The AVA Cath-In-Cath 2 Port System™ is a unique access port and access system developed exclusively for preclinical researchers. Our port system utilizes features researchers have wanted for years but have been unavailable in a single device.
Some of these features include: very low volume, low profile, superior needle/infusion set retention, the ability to restore bidirectional patency, etc. This port system has been utilized for multiple species, vessels and applications.
AVA Biomedical has searched the entire planet for the optimal infusion pump systems for labaoratory animal researchers. We have a full line of ambulatory and tetherd infusion pumps ar all applications and budgets. We offer unique solutions that are optimized for the researchers needs.
Our approach to laboratory animal infusion is unique in that we focus on three pump systems that can cover all of 95% of our customers infusion pump needs.
AVA Biomedical has a variety of non-coring needles and catheter connectors for use with ports and external catheters. Our needleless connectors allow for safer, closed connections of catheters, needles and Huber infusion sets.
In addition, we carry a full line of customized catheters for applications such as; CSF collection and delivery, Duodenal, Subcutaneous, Bile Collection, etc. We also carry customized large animal jackets that have been optimized for our infusion technology.
AVA Biomedical brings a unique approach to laboratory animal infusion. We are commited to providing the most advanced infusions systems available. With over 18 years experience in designing, manufacturing and marketing both human and laboratory animal infusion devices we have created proven systems for long-term infusion in species ranging from mice to farm animals.
The systems are primarily designed as ambulatory models but are also ideal for tethered applications.
Our drug infusion devices are individually designed to give you, the researcher, the necessary tools to succeed. We utilize the latest and highest quality materials from around the world to bring you the finest laboratory animal infusion products. AVA Biomedical has developed strategic relationships with other industry leaders, which allows us to package together proven products for long-term infusion in species ranging from mice to bovines. We will work in partnership with you to determine how our technology, experience and services can best support your research objectives.
AVA Biomedical has a full line of specialty catheters designed specifically with the preclinical researcher in mind. All of our catheters are manufactured with the latest and highest grade materials.